B07, February 2011, Listening Log Activity Nº 03

Dear student,

Watch this video and make a list of the clothes that Miley Cyrus wears at the different events she attends.

Best wishes,
A. Rios

B01, February 2011, Listening Log Activity Nº03

Estimado alumno:

Copia estas oraciones en tu cuaderno y encierra en un circulo la alternativa correcta después de ver este video de Lima en You Tube (escoge la palabra exacta que escuchas):

1. Lima is the second / capital / old city of Peru.
2. It is on the Atlantic / Indian / Pacific coast of South America.
3. Six / Seven / Eight million people live there.
4. It is considered now the architecture / gastronomic / tourist capital of the continent.
5. Cebiche is the international / national / traditional dish.
6. Francisco Pizarro / Almagro / La Serna founded Lima.
7. Originally it was called The City of Queens / Princesses / Kings.
8. (Circle all the places you listen) The Cathedral / the Presidential Palace / the ruins / the Main Square / The Convent and Catacums of San Francisco / Rimac River.

Good luck,
A. Rios


B07, February 2011, Listening Log Activity Nº 02

Dear B07 Student,

Watch this video and complete this chart with the steps, the activity, and the number of calories burned with each activity in your listening log:
--Step Nº -----Activity----------------------------Nº of Calories Burned----

Good luck,
A. Rios


B02, February 2011, Listening Log Activity Nº 02

Dear students:

Watch this video and COPY the ingredients of the recipe in your listening log.

Good luck! :-)
A. Rios

B01, February 2011, Listening Log Activity Nº 02

Dear students,

Siga estas instrucciones:

> Haga click en el título de esta entrada.
> Vea el video y copie las primeras 08 preguntas dictadas por el narrador del video.
> Escuche la información que el narrador da y responda dichas preguntas que usted copió inicialmente.

Good luck,

A. Rios


B07, February 2011, Listening Log Activity Nº 01

Dear Student,

Watch this video and write down 08 suggestions (tips) the man gives to healthy dining options. For example:
  • Look at restaurant menus or nutritional information online.
  • Ask the waiter for healthy recommendations.
  • ...
Best wishes,

A. Rios


B02, February 2011, Listening Log Activity Nº 01

Hey folks,

Watch this video and write a report about the activities that each person is doing. For example:

> A jogger is running.
> Fiona is putting luggage in the boot.
> ...

Good luck,
A. Rios

B01, February 2011, Listening Log Activity Nº01

Estimado alumno,

Haz click sobre este enlace y serás enviado a un video de Youtube. Tu tarea es completar un cuadro con los nombres de las personas a quienes entrevista la reportera (algunos apellidos no se mencionan). For example:

(Jessica) (------)
(Susan) (Mariscal)


A. Rios