Lima City

Copia estas oraciones en tu cuaderno y encierra en un circulo la alternativa correcta después de ver este video de Lima en You Tube (escoge la palabra exacta que escuchas):
1. Lima is the second / capital / old city of Peru.
2. It is on the Atlantic / Indian / Pacific coast of South America.
3. Six / Seven / Eight million people live there.
4. It is considered now the architecture / gastronomic / tourist capital of the continent.
5. Cebiche is the international / national / traditional dish.
6. Francisco Pizarro / Almagro / La Serna founded Lima.
7. Originally it was called The City of Queens / Princesses / Kings.
8. (Circle all the places you listen) The Cathedral / the Presidential Palace / the ruins / the Main Square / The Convent and Catacums of San Francisco / Rimac River.

Good luck,

The Effect of Scents

Watch this video and write a summary of what the different scents shown in the video are good for (What are the benefits of each scent?).
Example:     >>Rose is good for confidence.


The World is Changing

Watch this video and make a summary of what is happening to the world population. What is going to happen in a few years around Europe and North America (and perhaps the world) according to the video?
What is the subtle message of this video?


What don't people like about Americans?

Watch this video about Americans who went to other countries. Then make a summary of the things people from other countries do not like about Americans. Also write the suggestions these students give to avoid a negative impression.
Finally, answer this question, "In general, do people from other countries like Americans? Why? Why not?" (You may watch other videos to get more info.)