Lima City

Copia estas oraciones en tu cuaderno y encierra en un circulo la alternativa correcta después de ver este video de Lima en You Tube (escoge la palabra exacta que escuchas):
1. Lima is the second / capital / old city of Peru.
2. It is on the Atlantic / Indian / Pacific coast of South America.
3. Six / Seven / Eight million people live there.
4. It is considered now the architecture / gastronomic / tourist capital of the continent.
5. Cebiche is the international / national / traditional dish.
6. Francisco Pizarro / Almagro / La Serna founded Lima.
7. Originally it was called The City of Queens / Princesses / Kings.
8. (Circle all the places you listen) The Cathedral / the Presidential Palace / the ruins / the Main Square / The Convent and Catacums of San Francisco / Rimac River.

Good luck,

The Effect of Scents

Watch this video and write a summary of what the different scents shown in the video are good for (What are the benefits of each scent?).
Example:     >>Rose is good for confidence.


The World is Changing

Watch this video and make a summary of what is happening to the world population. What is going to happen in a few years around Europe and North America (and perhaps the world) according to the video?
What is the subtle message of this video?


What don't people like about Americans?

Watch this video about Americans who went to other countries. Then make a summary of the things people from other countries do not like about Americans. Also write the suggestions these students give to avoid a negative impression.
Finally, answer this question, "In general, do people from other countries like Americans? Why? Why not?" (You may watch other videos to get more info.)


I01 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03 - Social Media Marketing

Watch this video and write a summary of the social media marketing highlights discussed in it.

I02 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03 - Steve Jobs's Address at Stanford

  • What do you know about Apple Company? Write two or three lines about it.
  • What do you know about Steve Jobs?  Write two or three lines about it.
  • Watch this video and write a 8-to-10-line paragraph expressing your personal reaction to Steve Job's story.


I03 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03 - Cyber War Fears

Watch this video and write a 8-to-10-line paragraph in which you express your opinion of this new threat to the US. Do you think the US fears are real? Is this a community issue we should worry about?

Best wishes,

The author

I04 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03

To be updated (check existing listening activities in "Search" section).


I05 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03 - Personality Traits

Watch this video and draw a mind map to summarize the Big 5 Personality Traits.

I06 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03 - Job Interview Tips

> Make a list of 05 questions you may hear in a job interview.
> Watch this video and list 07 tips to do well in a job interview.

I07 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03 - Divorce Advice : Top Reasons for Divorce

Watch this video and complete the following chart in your learning journal (notebook)

How It Affects Marriage
Your Personal Reaction

 Good luck!

I08 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03 - What to do in an earthquake


  1. Before you watch the video, make a list of the things you can do before an earthquake.
  2. Then watch this video and make a list of the most important recommendations you listen to.
  3. Finally, make a list of 08 new words you came across in the video.

I09 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03

Watch this video and make a list of the main pieces of information you learned from it.

  • Ten years ago, the world governments promised that every child in the world would have access to decent-quality, basic education by 2015.
  • ...
Good luck.

I10 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03

To be updated (check existing listening activities in "Search" section).


I11 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03

Watch this video and write a summary of what to do to look thinner in photographs.

I12 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03 - Projects about the Future

Watch your partners video projects about the future at http://ariosicpnarc.pbworks.com/w/browse/#view=ViewFolder&param=Projects%20I12.
Then choose one video which drew your attention the most. Write a brief summary in your learning log.


I01 - Listening Log Activity Nº 02

Watch this video. Then summarize Kevin's personal achievement in a short paragraph of 80-100 words.
Good Luck!!


I02 - Listening Log Activity Nº 02


  • First, watch this video and write a report about what these people found shocking in the United States.

  • Second, say if those features of the American culture would surprise you, too. Why? Why not?

The Author

I03 - Listening Log Activity Nº 02

Watch this video and summarize the rules to play scrabble.
Do you think you would like to play this board game?

I04 - Listening Log Activity Nº 02 - Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?

Watch this video and make a list of the principal ideas you listen to. Do you agree with the author's ideas?

I05 - Listening Log Activity Nº 02 - What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains

Watch this video and write a summary of the changes that the Internet does to our brains. Then answer these questions:
  1. What will the consequences be in a near future?
  2. What do you think should be done to overcome these risks?

I06 - Listening Log Activity Nº 02 - Finding Atlantis

Watch this video and write a brief summary of what is being done to find Atlantis. Have they found Atlantis?

I07 - Listening Log Activity Nº 02 - Bill Gates

Watch this video and write a summary of what each person says about Bill Gates and how all the things he did contributed to his being rich.

I08 - Listening Log Activity Nº 02 - Arranged Marriages in India

Watch these 02 videos about arranged marriages. What do you think of this type of marriages? Write a 50-80-word paragraph to express your opinion


I09 - Listening Log Activity Nº 02

Go to the National Geographic Website, and look for the Travel & Cultures Video section. Then click on the Destinations section. Choose any of the videos there and make a short summary about the destination.
Good luck 

I10 - Listening Log Activity Nº 02 - 7th Secret to Successful Language Learning

Watch this video about the 7th Secret to Successful Language Learning. Summarize it and say if you follow some or all of the suggestions in the video or if you would like to follow them. What would be the impact on your language proficiency?
You would also like to watch the other videos in the series.
Best wishes,
The author

I11 - Listening Log Activity Nº 02

Watch this video and write a comment for each step mentioned in the video.


I01 - Listening Log Entry Nº 01 - How To Repair a Toilet

Watch this video and make a list of the things that people do and annoy this woman. Write a brief explanation of each thing.

I02 - Listening Log Entry Nº 01 - Dating Tips

Watch this video and write a list of the main tips to have a good date -explain each briefly. Do you think they can work for you? Have you ever used any of these tips?

Good luck.

I03 - Listening Log Entry Nº 01

  1. Watch the video thoroughly. Make sure you understand the expressions used in it.
  2. Watch the video again and FOLLOW the instructions.
  3. On your listening log, describe the experience.

Good luck.

I04 - Listening Log Entry Nº 01 - Top 10 Best Ways to Save Money

Watch this video and make a list of the Top 10 Best Ways to Save Money and explain each one briefly.
#10> Slow cooking > It's better to cook your meals at home instead of                                             eating fast food or ordering take-out food.
#09> ...

I05 - Listening Log Entry Nº 01 - Idiot by Nasreddin Hodja

Watch this video from 00:38 to 02:55 and rewrite the story on your listening log. In your opinion, what is the moral of the story? Do you agree with the narrator's point of view?

I06 - Listening Log Entry Nº 01 - Sea Shepherd Society

Watch this video about the Sea Shepherd Society. What kind of animals do they help protect? Why do they do it? (Write as many reasons as possible?

I07 - Listening Log Entry Nº 01 - Crime Report

Watch this video and write a one-paragraph report about the crimes that this area faces. Include the name of the neighborhood, the city, and the measures taken to control the problem.

I08 - Listening Log Entry Nº 01 - Costa Rica

Before you watch the video, write about what you know about Costa Rica.
Then watch this video and make a summary of its attractions and the things you can do there.

I09 - Listening Log Entry Nº 01

Watch any of these short Indie movies and write a brief summary of one of them.

You can also try looking for you own videos at http://independentshortfilms.org/ or at http://vimeo.com/ (key words: Short Indies, Short Independent movies, independent movies)

I10 - Listening Log Entry Nº 01

Watch this video and make a list of what is happening in Mexico.

  • Children are as young as 12 years old.
  • ...

Best wishes

I11 - Listening Log Entry Nº 01

Listen to this 15-minute report and make a summary of the main findings that scientists have discovered.

Video Projects

Here are some links to videos made by students at ICPNARC. Enjoy them:
Write comments if you feel like doing so.



Dear friends,

There have been some changes at ICPNA-RC (we are gradually changing into the WORLD LINK series), so the listening activities on this blog are changing, too. If you want to look for activities for the TOP NOTCH and SUMMIT courses, just type "the course" (e.g. B12) in the "SEARCH THIS BLOG" section.

Best wishes,
A. Rios 

B01 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03

Watch the first minutes (los primeros minutos) of this video and write 05 sentences about the video.

B02 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03

I. Pre-listening: (Do this section on your notebook)
  •  Write 5 questions you can ask a person about his or her family. (E.g. Do you have any brothers or sisters? What does your father do?)
II. Listening:
  • Click here and solve the task on this website. Write down the questions and answer them on your notebook.

B03 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03 - 10 Easy Chores for Teens

Watch this video and make a list of the ten strategies to avoid doing the choresWhich chores do they avoid?
    Chore to avoid
    The bathroom break
    Mow the lawn
    The boy is playing a video game.
    The sickness
    Not mentioned
    The girl says she will throw up.


    B04 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03 - My Dream Job

    Watch this video and complete a chart like this on your listening log:

    B05 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03


    Do this listening activity and copy the questions and answers for "section II" in your log.


    B06 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03 - Yesterday, The Beatles

    Watch this video,  copy the lyrics, and underline all the sentences in past tense that you find in the song.
    For example:

    • Yesterday,
      all my troubles seem so far away

    B07 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03

    Hi friends,
    Watch this video and make a list of the suggestions the woman makes to remember a dream. For example:
    • If you are alone and wake up, don't move and the dream will come to you in little pieces.
    • ...
    • ...
    A. Rios

    B08 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03

    B09 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03

    B10 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03 - You're Gonna Lose that Girl

    Watch this song of the Beatles, and write down all the sentences in future tense that you listen to. Then answer this question:
    • What's the message of the song?

    B11 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03

    B12 - Listening Log Activity Nº 03 - What to pack for a trip

    Watch this video about packing for a trip, and complete the following chart on your notebook:

    What for?
    Would you pack it?
    Why (not)?
    ·      Sleep wear
    To go to bed
    You need something to sleep.





    Best wishes,
    The author


    I12 - Listening Log Activity Nº 02 - An Artist's Feelings

    Watch this video and write some excerpts of this artist's ideas about art, painting, and his own art described in this video. Do you agree with his ideas?